Let us be your Managed IT Services provider with Cyber Sentry.
Let us be your Managed IT Services provider with Cyber Sentry.
Receive a call back within 1 hour. Guaranteed!
Over 70% of the time, issues are resolved within 15 minutes. Time is valuable and you can’t put a price on that!
100% money back guarantee on everything – hardware, security, or service. More important than that, in over 40 years, we have never had a client ask for a refund.
Our experienced technicians have not only been with us for 8+ years, they think and respond like business owners.
You have to be able to trust your technology. Our business provides you with the most reliable, cutting edge, and thorough IT services so that you can run your company with the attention it deserves. It’s how IT should be.
You and Your Company Deserves
A robust IT system that is efficiently performing 100% of the time.
A secure and stable IT environment for any company.
Ongoing support when needed.
IT System that not only supports, but can grow and scale.
Monitoring, Management, and Support
An Omaha-based, locally owned, proprietary Managed IT Service.
A robust IT system that is efficiently performing 100% of the time.
A secure and stable IT environment for any company.
Ongoing support when needed.
IT System that not only supports, but can grow and scale.
Hear directly from our clients why they trust us with their business. We are proud to serve a wide variety of companies and are dedicated to adapting to the needs of everyone we work with.
Careful Planning • Predictable Costs • Constant Monitoring & Reporting
Feel confident that your IT infrastructure is set up to help you succeed.

PHONE: 402-330-3600 · EMAIL: feedback@csiomaha.com
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