Hybrid Cloud Solutions
To maintain best practice security, all business should have local resources. However, many business criteria applications are hosted by the publisher on the cloud. Let’s talk about how this hybrid cloud solution could work for you.

Private Cloud Solutions
There has been a huge boom in Internet-based computing in recent years, and not just among large organizations. Even small and micro-businesses are taking their operations into the cloud — and taking advantage of increased scalability and cost-effective solutions for their information storage and management needs.

Cloud Backup and Recovery
If you have ever experienced a computer failure, then you know the sinking feeling that accompanies the loss of files and data. That “blue screen of death” is never a welcome sight when you boot up your computer, especially if you have not taken the time to back up your files remotely.

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is the new tool from Microsoft that brings together information that teams need to work effectively and preform at their peak. This chat-based workspace combines chat, documents, people and tools in one secure place.
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