Email Management
In a world where text messaging seems to be taking the place of other forms of communication, is email still a relevant tool for today’s businesses? In a word, yes. Email is more professional and useful for certain purposes, such as communicating with team members or sending out a promotion to customers.

Microsoft Exchange Server
Technology continues to evolve at the speed of light, yet email remains as a critical communication tool for businesses. Microsoft Exchange Server is one of the most popular tools for not only exchanging emails, but also sharing calendars, creating contact lists and collaborating on team projects in a business setting.

Office 365 Hosted Exchange
Why build and maintain an email server when Microsoft has already done it for you?

Office 365 Backup
Datto SaaS Protection ensures that you can access, control, and most importantly protect the data you entrust to the cloud. SaaS Protection for Office365 is the leading cloud-to-cloud backup product offering an all-in-one backup, restore and export solution that covers Exchange Online, OneDrive and SharePoint Online.

Email Filtering, Encryption and Archiving
Email is a necessary but imperfect solution. Complimenting these essential solutions should be a part of your network security plan.
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